Editor’s welcome
Jim Herrick obituary
World Humanist Congress Photo Gallery
Copenhagen Declaration on Democracy
Impressions from the 2023 World Humanist Congress
World Humanist Congress: the big issues humanists seem reluctant to tackle
World Humanist Congress: Encounters in a museum and reflections on BC versus BCE
Humanist and Woke: No Contradiction
Against woke: A response to James Croft
Humanity: a status report
Is unrestrained free speech defensible?
What is “woke”? It’s my trigger word...
Just Stop Woke: A Journey
How Woke puritanism can lead to fatal consequences: Reflections on the death of Richard Bilkszto
Humanist woke culture: a countervailing force against Indian nationalist extremism
Woke Racism: How a New Religion Has Betrayed Black America
Poet’s Corner