From 1st January 2023 Humanistically Speaking went fully digital. In this section of our website you can access all the previous issues, videos and book reviews which were produced as pdf Newsletters. From January 2023 all our content will be found under the 'All Articles' tab on our menu bar.

The themes for our last month as a pdf newsletter in December 2022 were poverty, class, prejudice and discrimination. We often read in the media about ‘unconscious bias’ as it relates to different skin colours but we often ignore, or even tacitly accept, the prejudice which is staring us in the face the one which is based on class and social origins. I’m proud of the fact that our team of editors here at Humanistically Speaking Towers hail from a wide variety of different social and educational backgrounds. Some of our editors and contributors have PhDs whilst others left school at sixteen. For this reason, I believe we are uniquely well placed to explore our chosen themes this month and I hope you will agree with me that our editors have written some fascinating, and very personal, stories about their origins and journeys through life.
When we launched Humanistically Speaking magazine nearly
three years ago, I was advised not to display the number of
each edition on the front cover, in case we disappeared after
just a few editions. But I would like to let you into a little
secret. This is our thirtieth issue! I’d like to thank our incredible
team of hard working writers and editors for this amazing
achievement. I’d also like to thank you, our loyal readers, for
coming with us on this journey. We’ve come through the death
of Queen Elizabeth II, the Covid-19 pandemic, Black Lives
Matter protests, the invasion of Ukraine, three Prime
Ministers, and countless other events. Each and every one
invites a humanistic response and we have done our level best
to stimulate discussion and debate in the humanist community
in the UK and beyond. I’m especially pleased about the links we
have made with our humanist friends in Africa.
I’m also sad to be saying farewell to our PDF format which has
been such a pleasure to create. But I know what a burden it
places on our dedicated team of volunteers, and I’m also
conscious of the fact that the future is digital. And so, from
January 2023, Humanistically Speaking magazine is going fully
digital. But we will still be creating the best possible content for
you, and we are confident that through social media we will
reach many more thousands of readers in the months and
years ahead. Happy reading and compliments of the season.
​​​​​​​​​​David Brittain
Executive Editor
​You can download either the latest or previous month's copy of our magazine by clicking on your selected cover, or visit our Magazine page to download them all!
Our latest issue
Last month's issue