By Alex Williams
Alex is from Watford in the UK and he's a writer, teacher, singer and published poet.
It’s All Us
Religions are not the problem.
They are nothing
But human made constructs.
They are illusions we invent
Propagate and abandon
Codify and customise.
We elect or appoint their leaders
Submit to their authority
Monitor, punish and reward
Their followers and dissenters.
We are the problem.
We humans who pollute and poach
Slaughter and decimate
Over-produce, over-consume, over and over,
Allowing all the ravages of poverty and inequality
To rage on unabated
While a surfeit of global resources
Lies idle in the coffers of those
Who believe whatever they believe.
We create and destroy
With myriad motivations:
Politics, preaching,
Love, loathing,
Greed, god:
But it’s all us.
Human is as human does.
Human is him.
Human is her.
Human is us.
Alex Williams is a writer, teacher and singer from Watford. His collection of poems Secular Verses is published and available on Amazon. Click the link and help support his great work. Details of his previous books can be found at