By Alex Williams
Alex is a writer, teacher and singer from Watford.
Son of Ham
A son of Ham, well I’ve read
Fredrick Douglass where he said:
Our condition tends to worsen
When our masters start bible versing
Christian teachings justify
Slavery, and here’s why:
Slaves are all Children of Ham
We’re being punished for his crime
Ham was Noah’s second son
Of all those children, he’s the one
Who reared a son, Canaan by name,
Who saw Noah’s nakedness, and for that shame
Cursed his father and all his line
To be servants of servants for all time.
The profit-hungry master race
Used this tale to keep slavery in place
While tender-hearted congregants still
Supported slavery as god’s will
For every pulpit in the nation
Preached this tale of Ham’s damnation.
Till gentle folk would maim and kill
Convinced their cruelty was god’s will.
A child of Windrush, well I’ve read
Steven Weinberg where he said:
“With or without religion,
Good people can behave well
And bad people can do evil.
But for good people to do evil-
That takes religion.”

Alex Williams is a writer, teacher and singer from Watford. His collection of poems Secular Verses is published and available on Amazon. Click the link and help support his great work. Details of his previous books can be found at www.thedialup.blogspot.com
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