The “Many Faiths” team is a multi-faith school visiting team operating in Bournemouth and surrounding areas. It was formed in 2019 with a Home Office grant and now operates independently, showing school students how five people from very different faiths can all be friends and have respectful dialogue with each other. The write-up below is by Joshua Suttle, a student and Humanities Representative at Purbeck School Sixth Form in Wareham, Dorset.
On 11th December 2024, The Purbeck School Sixth Form in Wareham, Dorset had the opportunity to meet some amazing people in the “Many Faiths” team which is dedicated to bringing awareness and understanding about a multitude of religions and beliefs. This enriching experience was part of a special Sixth Form Day, which aimed to provide students with a unique opportunity to engage directly with individuals from the local community who represent a variety of worldviews. Representatives were from four religions (Christianity, Buddhism, Judaism and Islam) and the Humanist worldview. Every single student felt their impact and took away something valuable from this experience.
In preparation for the event, the students were asked to compile questions from a range of topics, including sensitive subjects such as the ongoing war between Israel and Palestine, and debates surrounding LGBTQ+ individuals. With care, kindness and compassion, the representatives spoke freely on the topics aiming to help develop the sixth formers’ understanding of their belief systems. This ultimately prompted discussions and conversations into the deeper complexities of many issues, especially those prominent in the media today.
Each speaker brought not only their knowledge and expertise, but also deeply personal stories that brought into perspective the issues and challenges people may face due to their beliefs. Their insights challenged the norm, sparked curiosity, and inspired meaningful dialogue among the students. The individual touch our guests displayed were nothing short of awe-inspiring, and we would like to thank each and every one of them for their time with us.
By Joshua Suttle, Year 13, Humanities Representative
An excellent review, and great to hear feedback from the students themselves. Definitely need to encourage more of this, so that the communication goes both ways. Great work.